How to create meaningful questions for your loved ones

Asking meaningful questions to our loved ones is more than just a conversation starter. It’s a bridge to understanding their experiences, their perspectives, and their stories. It’s about delving deeper into their lives, uncovering layers of memories, and preserving these precious narratives for generations to come.

The art of asking the right questions is crucial in this process. The right questions can open doors to rich, detailed responses, painting a vivid picture of our loved ones’ journeys.

“We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.”

– Carl Sagan, physicist

In the context of preserving family history, the courage to ask meaningful questions and the depth of the responses we receive can indeed make our world – our family’s world – significantly more vibrant and cherished.

The Art of Asking Meaningful Questions

The art of asking meaningful questions is a skill that can be honed with practice and understanding. It’s about going beyond the surface, delving deeper into the experiences and perspectives of our loved ones.

One of the key aspects of this art is asking open-ended questions. Unlike yes/no questions, open-ended questions encourage detailed responses. They provide room for your loved ones to express their thoughts, feelings, and memories in their own words. For instance, instead of asking “Did you enjoy your childhood?”, you could ask “What were some of your most memorable experiences from your childhood?”

Another tip for asking meaningful questions is to be specific and direct. Vague questions can often lead to vague answers. Instead, try to focus your questions on specific experiences, periods, or themes. For example, “What was it like growing up in the 60s?” or “Can you tell me about your first job?”

Empathy and active listening play a crucial role in this process. When asking questions, it’s important to be sensitive to your loved one’s feelings and reactions. Show genuine interest in their stories, respond with empathy, and let them know that their experiences are valued and respected.

Crafting Questions for Different Family Members

Crafting meaningful questions often requires a personalised approach. Different family members may have different experiences, perspectives, and ways of expressing themselves. Therefore, the questions you ask your grandparents might be different from the ones you ask your siblings.

When crafting questions for your parents or grandparents, consider their life experiences. Questions about their childhood, their youth, their struggles and achievements can evoke rich, detailed responses. For example, “What challenges did you face when you first started your career?” or “How did you meet mum/dad?”

For your siblings or peers, the questions could be more focused on shared experiences or their personal journeys. For example, “What’s your favourite memory from our childhood?” or “How has becoming a parent changed you?”

Remember, the goal is to ask questions that resonate with the person you’re talking to. Consider their life experiences, their interests, and the stories you’ve heard them tell.

Using Gift Your Story to Ask Meaningful Questions

Gift Your Story is a platform designed to help you ask meaningful questions and preserve your family’s stories. It provides a unique way to engage with your loved ones, encouraging them to share their experiences, wisdom, and memories.

One of the key features of Gift Your Story is its personalised approach. The platform allows you to create customised questions for your loved ones, ensuring that the questions resonate with their experiences and interests.

For instance, you could use Gift Your Story to ask your grandmother about her childhood memories, your father about his military service, or your sister about her travels around the world. The responses to these questions are then transformed into a beautiful keepsake book or an exclusive website, preserving these precious narratives for generations to come.


Asking meaningful questions is a powerful way to preserve family history. It’s about understanding our loved ones, cherishing their stories, and strengthening our family bonds. With platforms like Gift Your Story, this process becomes easier and more engaging, providing a unique way to document and share our family’s legacy.

Why not start your journey of asking meaningful questions today? Explore Gift Your Story and discover how you can keep your family’s legacy alive for generations to come. Remember, every question is a bridge to a story, and every story is a piece of your family’s rich, vibrant history.