
Everyone has a story to share.
We’ve created Gift your story so that you can share yours.

Anna is an actress who knows a good story when she sees one. Researching her own family story she realised just how much drama, comedy and tragedy was in there. She also realised how much she didn’t know.

Every family has incredible stories to tell. Anecdotes that could be lost forever, if no one ever takes the time to write them down.

Fast forward to her dad’s 75th birthday when she realised, she couldn’t think of anything special to give him. Another engraved gold pen wasn’t going to cut it…That’s when Gift your story was born.

What better way to combine a once in a lifetime gift with something meaningful that will stay in the family for generations to come.

 David spent many evenings listening to his grand parents incredible stories.

They not only lived an incredible life but could also tell a brilliant story. Unfortunately, they passed away before anything could be written down.

How many memories are being lost each day?

David knows how to tell a good story and is determined to make sure his parents’ stories as well as many, many other memories are recorded and kept in the family forever.

You can’t really know where you’re going, until you know where you’ve been